Wedding Photograpy Vancouver Island

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Newborn William (Nanaimo Newborn Photography)

nanaimo-newborn-photography_0001It wasn't too long ago that we presented Erin and Selim's maternity photos on this site, taken just weeks before little William's due date.   Well, here he is!  He was a week old when we drove down to Nanaimo to document the new family.  The Pieris japonica was in full spring colour out-front making a red splash reflection in the windows to frame William in his bassinet.  Erin and Selim's  lovable and very loving dog Twist had already been dubbed 'Auntie Twist' seeing as she immediately took to a nurturing and guardian role with the tiny boy.  Tony, the cat, took immediately to the baskets we brought for the shoot.nanaimo-newborn-photography_0003nanaimo-newborn-photography_0004nanaimo-newborn-photography_0002nanaimo-newborn-photography_0005nanaimo-newborn-photography_0006nanaimo-newborn-photography_0007nanaimo-newborn-photography_0008nanaimo-newborn-photography_0011