Wedding Photograpy Vancouver Island

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Babak & Sara [Empress Victoria Persian Wedding Photography]

Dancing was a close second to photography in the pecking order of activities accomplished during the day of Sara and Babak's wedding. Sara treated me like a sister, and at the end of the night her and her family surrounded me clapping as I tried out my best impromptu Persian-stye dance moves. Little did they know I'm like a kid at a candy store when it comes to dancing. Don't encourage me or I'll be there all night.This wedding had me hooked from the get go. Poetry being read, multiple family members surrounding the couple during the ceremony, individual blessing and gift-giving to honor the newly-wedded couple, and did I mention.... dancing? Dancing down the aisle after they were wed, dancing in front of the Empress, dancing during our photo shoot, dancing back in to the reception, dancing to get the knife to cut the cake.Babak, Sara and their friends and family were incredibly warm and welcoming, I felt like I wanted to hop right into their family and stay awhile. I was very reluctant to leave at the end of the night. I'm so happy you chose me to be your photographer. It was a gift to be present for your wedding day. You are amazing people and I am glad to know you.