Erin and Sasha at Maple Grove Guesthouse (same-sex wedding Vancouver Island)
Rainbow glasses, two brides, wicked wedding party, and serious shenanigans! Erin and Sasha's wonderful wedding at Maple Grove Guest House in Duncan was one of the year's highlights for us. Firstly, Maple Grove is one of our favorite venues. We have photographed many weddings there over the years and each time we seem to come out with a collection of shots quite unlike the previous. Secondly, and most important, these two know how to throw a wedding. They had been corresponding with us about this day for almost two years. These girls had spreadsheets and they knew how to use them.Sometimes we blog by just throwing up a few photos that highlight the day. But for Erin and Saha's wedding we wanted to show how it all went down. And not leave anything out. Especially not the party. Especially not that one uncle, you know the one, the Mustang Sally uncle. He's there, at the bottom of the post, singing for these two wonderful brides on this very amazing day — a celebration that deserves every ounce of epic-ness showcased here.Oh, and the maid of honor had the flu. She's awesome. And she spent most of the day in bed. Except when she pulled it together completely, pretended she wasn't about to throw up, and smiled for the wedding party photo-ops.SaveSaveSaveSave