Annika brings home another award! (Fearless Photography award)

Fearless is just getting crazy. I honestly told Alex, don't even bother entering anymore, the odds are stacked against everyone who enters, the most incredible photographs get tossed aside just because of the sheer volume of entries.We have won 2 Fearless awards in the past year and a half, but I kept saying, "it was just a fluke, we'll never win again, it's impossible to win." When the award-winners were published today, I din't even want to look. Too jealous.I'm glad that Alex believed in us, he persevered with entering Fearless in this last round, and Annika Klopp, our bride that just keeps on winning awards, has placed again. This time with a Fearless. I think Fearless awards are the toughest wedding photography awards in the world to win, and I think most photographers would agree. So who knows if we will ever win another one, maybe this was just another fluke. But here it is, Annika Klopp in the limo, in the good light.And have a look at the rest of the awards if you get a chance:


Timeline Example for Wedding Day


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